
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Recommended books for Ruby on Rails development


    I hope you liked previous posts and that you learn something and get hungry fore more :) .
In this post I will give you a certain lists of recommended books for Ruby, Ruby on Rails and also some other topics needed to know for working as Ruby on Rails developer. Those lists I will basically divide into 3 groups: Ruby,Rails and other. Each list will have names of books as my personal recommendation for you(linked to certain web site so you can see what this book is about,etc).

On each book look first "Who this book is for", then why you will no wonder around ;) and go with your own speed in progress, it takes time for sure but it will pay of. :D


03. The Ruby Programming Language 
04. The Ruby Way 2nd edition 
05. Eloquent Ruby
06. Well-Grounded Rubyst
07. Metaprogramming Ruby 
08. Learn to Program 
09. Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby: An Agile Primer
10. The Book of Ruby: A Hands-On Guide for the Adventurous

                       Ruby on Rails

01. Ruby on Rails Tutorial Book
02. Rails 3 Way
03. Rails 3 in Action ( Rails 4 in action )
04. Rails Recipes
05. Agile Web Development with Rails
06. Crafting Rails Applications Expert Practices for Everyday Rails Development ( Crafting Rails 4 Applications )

                      Other related topics

01. HTML & CSS
02. Javascript / Jquery
03. Front-end / Back-end development
04. SQL
05. Testing ( TDD / BDD )
05. GIT
06. MVC / MVVM

This post will be actual always, I try from time to time to add more books to the list,and refresh links,also I will try to put list of online material (video,text,...)
And also if you have any good book to add that can be very helpful, or any other related resources like online material,videos,etc...

Please comment this list,and other posts too,be free to ask me if you need me to make specific post about certain thing.