
Tuesday, January 14, 2014 - learn the skills you need to achieve your full potential is an online learning company that helps anyone learn software, creative, and business skills to achieve personal and professional goals. helps you learn the skills you need to achieve your full potential. is an online learning company that helps anyone learn software, design, and business skills to achieve their personal and professional goals. With a subscription, members receive unlimited access to a vast library of high quality, current, and engaging video tutorials. New courses and topics are added every week at no extra cost. We carefully select the world’s top experts who are the best in their field, passionate about their subject matter, and know how to teach. Members tell us that a subscription instills self-confidence and unlocks a sense of accomplishment that they have not found anywhere else.

The Online Training Library® includes training in the latest software tools and creative techniques with videos on Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash, digital photography, web design and development, digital video, 3D, animation, and much more. The library also includes videos offering inspiration and insight from today's leading creative professionals. See a full list of courses at

For Ruby there is 1 online course :

Ruby Essential Training with Kevin Skoglund
 In Ruby Essential Training, expert instructor Kevin Skoglund teaches the fundamentals of Ruby, the popular object-oriented open-source programming language. Kevin begins by walking through the basic data types, demonstrating Ruby's control structures (loops, iterators, conditionals, and code blocks) and showcasing the elegant syntax structure of the language. Kevin explains variable scope and shows how to use methods, arguments, and return values to write efficient code. After covering the fundamentals, Kevin focuses on Ruby's object-oriented features. He shows how to define classes and explores OOP concepts, including instances, attributes, access control, and inheritance. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
  • Using Ruby in the Interactive Ruby Shell and in standalone scripts
  • Learning to write custom code blocks to find, merge, and sort
  • Using modules for namespacing or as mix-ins
  • Reading from and writing to files
  • Creating a full Ruby project from start to finish
 And for Ruby on Rails 4 online courses:

1.Ruby on Rails Essential Training (2007)  with Kevin Skoglund
Ruby on Rails aims to make building web applications simpler. In Ruby on Rails Essential Training, expert instructor Kevin Skoglund focuses on the same goal. Kevin explains the complete process—from understanding the fundamental concepts behind any Ruby on Rails project to creating full-featured, easy-to-maintain applications using the Ruby on Rails framework. Using the practical project of building an online store as an example, Skoglund teaches the basics of the Ruby language. He also covers how to design an application, how to build dynamic interfaces, how to structure and interact with databases, how to create a working shopping cart, and how to regulate user access with passwords. Exercise files accompany the tutorials.

NOTE: Several key features of Rails have changed since the release of Ruby on Rails Essential Training in the library. The following link details these changes:

2.Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics (2007)  with Kevin Skoglund 
In this sequel to the popular Ruby on Rails Essential Training, expert instructor Kevin Skoglund teaches comprehensive techniques for web developers who already feel comfortable with the fundamentals of Ruby and the Rails MVC framework. This training will help developers move toward creating full-featured Ruby on Rails applications. Kevin begins by explaining how to update software and projects to the latest versions. He then demonstrates alternative ways to interact with Ruby and your Rails applications and teaches the intermediate aspects of the Ruby language. Kevin provides step-by-step instructions for creating a custom blog and content management application. He uses this practical example to show how to work with database migrations, how to get more from ActiveRecord and avoid common pitfalls, how to create flexible controllers and views, and how to improve performance, security, and code management. Exercise files accompany the tutorials.

NOTE: Several key features of Rails have changed since the release of Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics in the library. The following link details these changes:
Topics include:
  • Updating software and projects
  • Understanding code blocks
  • Catching errors and raising exceptions
  • Using migrations to manage database changes
  • Improving performance with eager loading and cache counters
  • Dealing with form validations and model callbacks
  • Using partials and helpers to organize views
  • Salting passwords for increased security
  • Storing session data
  • Understanding and defining custom and named routes
  • Paginating and using plug-ins
In Ruby on Rails 3 Essential Training, instructor Kevin Skoglund shows how to create full-featured, object-oriented web applications with the popular, open-source Ruby on Rails framework. This course explains the complete process—from the fundamental concepts and best practices behind the Rails framework, to how to build a complete application with dynamic, database-driven content. Using a content management system as an example project, this course explains how to structure databases, build database-driven, object-oriented models, route incoming requests, render pages with dynamic content, and to process and validate form data. Previous experience with Ruby is recommended, but not required. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
  • Understanding MVC (Model View Controller ) architecture
  • Routing browser requests through the framework
  • Responding to requests with dynamic content
  • Defining associations and database relationships
  • Creating, reading, updating and deleting records
  • Working with forms
  • Validating form data
  • Reviewing built-in security features
  • Authenticating users and managing user access
  • Debugging and error handling
Join Kevin Skoglund as he shows how to create full-featured, object-oriented web applications with the latest version of the popular, open-source Ruby on Rails framework. This course explores each part of the framework, best practices, and real-world development techniques. Plus, get hands-on experience by building a complete content management system with dynamic, database-driven content. Kevin teaches how to design an application; route browser requests to return dynamic page content; structure and interact with databases using object-oriented programming; create, update, and delete records; and implement user authentication. Previous experience with Ruby is recommended, but not required.
Topics include:
  • Why use Ruby on Rails?
  • Installing Ruby on Rails on Mac and Windows
  • Rendering templates and redirecting requests
  • Generating and running database migrations
  • Creating, updating, and deleting records
  • Understanding association types
  • Using layouts, partials, and view helpers
  • Incorporating assets using asset pipeline
  • Validating form data
  • Authenticating users and managing user access
  • Architecting RESTful applications
  • Debugging and error handing
 See a full list of courses besides Ruby and Ruby on Rails,maybe you will find others very good courses for yourself education.

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