I suppose you already read two previous posts. And if not all of you then some of you start learning Ruby on Rails . In this post I will go through development environments on various operating systems.
There are probably as many development environments as there are Rails programmers,but there are at least two broad types: text editor/command line environments, and integrated development environ-
ments (IDEs).
I will mention some of them:
* Integrated Development Environments (IDE):
#If you're comfortable using an IDe, I suggest taking a look at the options mentioned below to seee what fits with the way you work.
- 3rdRails.
* Text editors and command lines:
#Instead of using IDE, I prefer to use text editor to edit text,and a command line to issue commands. Which combinations you use depends on your tastes and your platform/operating system.
Text Editors:
Command Line:
- OS X : iTerm (recommended), or native Terminal app,
- Linux : the default terminal is just fine,
- Windows : if developing within Windows itself, I recommend using command prompt that
comes with Railsinstaller.
Personally I did Rails development on Windows and Linux,so my choice will be Aptana studio 3. Reason is simple, it is complete environment that includes extensive capabilities
to build Ruby on Rails,PHP and Python applications,along with complete HTML, CSS and JavaScript editing. Just one thing,I use mostly Aptana Studio 3 as text editor and I use terminal on linux and command prompt on Windows.